Friday Aug 18, 2023
Mystery Shopping Creates Profit For Gyms
Fitness business leaders spend hours (and money) on marketing and training their sales team, but do they know what happens when a prospect calls or visits the club?
Do they know how and if their squad delivers a beautiful experience?
Do they know what steps are being missed?
We have been mystery shopping gyms for over a decade and have in-depth data to share in the roundtables that can sharpen your sales process. For example, Saturday phone enquiries are generally 50% shorter than weekday phone calls.
You’ll be blown away by what we have found and the checklist we can provide you to go back to sharpen your skills so every prospect has a profound experience in your club and becomes a member.
Book your spot at Ignite Fitness Business Event
September 14th Melbourne Crown Plaza
And hear Justin and Lisa host a roundtable that will leave you booking a mystery shop and adding more profit to your business.
Contact Justin at