Thursday Dec 19, 2019
Melbourne Fitness Business Event
Ignite Fitness Business
February 21st 2020
Last Opportunity To Grab 20% Off Ticket Purchase
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Who Is The Organiser
Mel Tempest?
Mel Tempest is a fitness business innovator like no other. In addition to being a national and internationally demanded speaker and presenter, Mel is also a fitness business coach; founder of the Gym Owners’ Fitness Business Network and Podcast; facilitator and owner of the Ignite Fitness Business events in Australasia; and one of Australia’s most innovative and long-standing gym operators.
As a go-to consultant for fitness business owners and operators of all experience levels, Mel has a unique talent for transforming business challenges into innovative solutions that deliver profitable returns.
She has a reputation for innovation, thought-leadership and “calling a spade a spade”, and this brutal honesty often underlies her keynote addresses and presentations, making her sessions refreshingly engaging. Mel’s game-changing keynotes are designed to ensure audiences all over the world feel highly engaged and genuinely responsive to the topics she presents – which is critical, as Mel believes this is where action and lasting change originates.
Her passion for innovation in business has been unwavering since she entered the industry. In 2005 she created and opened Australia’s first men's only gym. In 2017 Mel’s became the first-ever Australian to win an IHRSA Scholarship. In this same year, Mel’s health club in Ballarat was among the top 3 finalists of the Smart Company Award, and during this year she also founded and commenced the Gym Owners’ Fitness Business Podcast and Network, which quickly garnered more than 700,000 hits. Mel is also the facilitator and organiser of the first Ignite Fitness Business Roundtable Events held throughout Australasia.
Mel specialises in innovation and early adoption; courageous leadership; social media strategies; sales concepts and programming; business problem solving; networking and start-ups.